afi admissions

  1. nvf101

    Looking for associate and executive producer for my AFI thesis film #afi

    Hi everyone 😊 My name is Nicholas, I am an award winning film director from London, UK - and I am currently in my 2nd year on the Directing MFA at The American Film Institute. The film that me and my team are producing is called SOME KIND OF PARADISE, and tells the story of a lonely Arizona...
  2. R

    Short filmmaker applying to AFI-MFA in Directing

    Hello fellow filmmakers, I'm a short filmmaker based in LA and I'm planning to apply for MFA in Directing at AFI' 23. I directed a short film that's currently streaming on Disney+ Hotstar. Being an immigrant with a unique story, I'm feeling optimistic about the application process. I was...
  3. carolinadolago2000

    AFI Directing MFA requires 4 year BA... but most European countries aren't 4 year programs? What's the equivalent for international students?

    Hi everyone!!! Hope you are all doing well! ;) I'm Carolina and I'm from Portugal! It's been a long journey of being an International student applying for a USA school, in this case, AFI. I would like that someone could help me figure out how can I still get the Master degree (if I'm accepted...
  4. How to Get Into AFI Conservatory: Exclusive Advice From the Admissions Office (Part 1)

    How to Get Into AFI Conservatory: Exclusive Advice From the Admissions Office (Part 1)

    Ask anyone about where to go to film school, and you’re bound to hear the American Film Institute Conservatory. First established in 1967, AFI is world renowned for producing pioneers and trailblazers in the film industry. In 2020, the Hollywood Reporter ranked AFI as the top film school in...

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